If you showcase products on your website - for example to promote the product range of your local business or to sell these products via your website - product management becomes an important part of your online business. This article gives you an overview of functionalities and possibilities that may help to keep an overview of your product range.
Skip to:
- Where to find your products
- How to search and filter products
- How to manage several products at once
Where to find your products
In the sidebar of your cockpit, select Products. This is the central place for managing your products. You will find all your products, also the ones saved as drafts, in the list.
You haven't added your first product yet? Our article Add products might help you to tackle the first steps.If you would like to take a closer look at a specific product of that list or if you would like to edit the details of a product, select the name of the desired product. You will then be directed to a detailed view that allows you to see and edit all product details.
How to search and filter products
Once you have added your first products, keeping an overview might be difficult. That's why we provide you with a search bar, quick filters, and filters at the top of your product overview.
Search bar
You can search for specific products using the search bar. To optimize your search results, you can specify the categories you'd like to search in via the dropdown menu next to the search bar: Name, manufacturer, tag, SKU, or product code.
You can also search in all categories at the same time by selecting All. The list of products is automatically updated while you are typing so that you immediately get feedback on matching results.
You can also use the search bar in combination with quick filters and filters.Quick filters
You can choose between two different quick filters: Low/Out of stock (shows all products that are out of stock or that have a low stock level according to your stock level tracking settings), and On Sale (shows all products for which you have set a sale price). You can reset any quick filters and filters by selecting All.
Imagine these quick filters as a preconfigured set of filters that you can apply with just one click. As you can see in the example, the related filters out of stock and low stock are automatically applied by selecting the quick filter Low/Out of stock:
You can filter your products by several categories, such as product status, purchasability, and manufacturer. By selecting , you'll see the whole range of options. You can combine the filters according to your needs. This means that you can select multiple filters within one category and combine them with multiple filters of other categories.
If you select multiple filters within the same category, for example in stock and low stock in the category Stock level, these filters are combined with OR logic. This means that all products will be shown that are either in stock or have a low stock level. If you now add filters of a different category, for example published of the category product status, these filters will be added with AND logic. Thus, the described filter combination would search for products that have the stock level in stock or low stock and that have the product status published.
The list of products is automatically updated after every selected or removed filter so that you immediately get feedback on matching results. Furthermore, your selected filters are displayed at the top of your product overview so you can easily grasp which filters are currently applied:
If you often use a specific combination of filters for your daily work that is not covered by the available quick filters, you can select all required filters and then save the current URL of your cockpit as a bookmark. As your selected filters are also added to the URL, you can open this bookmark every time you'd like to apply this combination of filters to your product overview. This can speed up your workflow and serve as a kind of custom quick filter.How to manage several products at once
On the product overview, you also have the option to perform basic actions for several products at once. For example, you can publish several products or revert them to draft. Here’s how:
- In the sidebar of your cockpit, select Products.
On the product overview, activate the checkbox on the very left of each product that you would like to manage. Your product selection remains untouched if you switch to another page of the product overview. You can also select all products across all pages at once by activating the checkbox on the very left of the table headers.
As soon as you’ve activated the first checkbox, the table header section changes and indicates how many products you have already selected.
In order to facilitate your workflow and the product selection, you can first narrow down the product list by making use of the search bar, filters, and quick filters. - In the table header section, select Actions. You can then see a drop-down with the available actions.
- Select your desired action from the drop-down. Here’s an overview of the available actions:
Publish Once you've published a product, you can make use of product sliders and categories to display it prominently on your website. But be aware that the product is externally accessible as soon as it is published, for example via the search bar on your website or via Google.
Furthermore, it will be directly visible on your website if it matches the criteria of an automatic category that you are already displaying on your website or if you have added the product to a manual category that you are already displaying on your website.
You can revert a published product to draft at any time.
Revert to draft You can edit draft products just like any other product in your cockpit. However, they are not visible to your visitors or any other external service.
If you would like to display a product on your website but without the possibility for your visitors to purchase it, you can set it as not available for purchase instead.
Delete If you delete a product, all related product details will be lost, for example, images and pricing information. This cannot be reversed. If you would only like to hide a product on your website for a certain time period, you can revert it to draft instead.
Deleted products are also removed from categories and content elements, for example, from product sliders. Customers cannot see or order deleted products on your website anymore. If they try to access the URL of a deleted product, they will see a page informing them that the desired page does not exist. Already existing orders including the deleted product will stay untouched and continue to show the deleted product.
Add tags Tags are key words that can be used to organize your products and categories. A good tag management facilitates the creation of automatic categories, as tags are one of the available criteria that can be chosen as a basis for their creation. You can choose any word you would like as a tag. Tags are not shown to the visitors of your website.
Remove tags Tags are are key words that are one of the available criteria for the creation of automatic categories. If you remove a tag from a product, this product will no longer be part of automatic categories for which you’ve determined the respective tag as a basis. Furthermore, the product will no longer be included in content elements displaying the respective categories on your website.
Assign to manual categories You can group individually selected products into manual categories. Afterwards, you can use the category to display that specific group of products on your website. You can either assign the products to already existing manual categories or to new ones.
Remove from manual categories You can group individually selected products into manual categories. Afterwards, you can use the category to display that specific group of products on your website. If you remove a product from a manual category, this product will no longer be part of the category and thus not be included in content elements displaying the respective category on your website.
- Confirm your desired action in the confirmation dialog.
Your chosen action has been performed.
If you’ve included a product in your product selection that already had the desired state, this product was not changed. Here’s an example: If you include a published product and two draft products in your product selection and then perform the action Publish, the two draft products will be published. The status of the product that has already been published will not be changed and stays published.