Inform yourself about how to add and edit individual content with the Editor.
Page setup
- Get to know the Editor
- Add and edit pages
- Add a subpage to a page in the main menu
- Change the order of pages in the main menu
- Edit the visibility of pages
- Change the name of a page
Content elements
- Learn about content elements
- Showcase a single product on your website
- Highlight products with a product slider
- Use icon with text
- Provide information in an FAQ
- Learn about contact pages
Design & color scheme
- Select a theme
- Learn about responsive design
- Change fonts
- Learn about formatting options for text elements
- Change colors
- Edit the background color of content elements
Image handling
- Edit the format of images
- Add text and links/buttons to image elements
- Define alternative texts for images
- Encourage your customers to buy with effective Call-To-Actions
- Learn about image file formats
- Learn about the image slider
Header and footer setup
- Customize the appearance of your website
- Change the header layout
- Pick a menu type
- Upload a logo
- Add unique selling points to the header
- Display an announcement bar in the header